The Everything Jersey City Festival was TEN (10) Blocks (Central Avenue between Hutton and Congress Street) and FOUR (4) Stages of Family Fun and FREE Music & Entertainment! For the Kids – Bounce House, Super Slide, Rock Climbing Wall, and Petting Zoo! Encounter Premiere Artists, Crafters, Festival Foods, Great One-Day-Sales at Participating Businesses and much more! The festival traditionally took place the third Saturday each May.
To local residents and visitors, a festival is a fun way to spend a day celebrating their community with family and friends. But for the CASID and its members, festivals and other events present a unique opportunity to showcase the rich cultural and economic life of the Heights’ main street. The traffic and parking disruptions involved in a festival do make it necessary for businesses to change the way that they operate for one day, but the long-term benefits are clear. By bringing thousands – even tens of thousands – of people to Central Avenue for a festival, the CASID offers businesses the chance to put their best face forward and bring those same people back as regular customers throughout the year.
2013 Everything Jersey City Festival: CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
2012 Everything Jersey City Festival
2011 Everything Jersey City Festival
2010 Everything Jersey City Festival