Your SID at Work

The Central Avenue S.I.D. Management Corporation at Work

Administrative Services

The CASID office isn’t just an office; it’s a solution center for property owners, current businesses, prospective businesses, and the neighboring community. All the administrative services provided by CASID are focused on maximizing the benefits the organization offers to its members and Jersey City as a whole. A team of professionals provides CASID with the administrative services that…Read More

Business Development

Jersey City is rapidly evolving, and so is the market. Many long-time residents are cashing in real estate investments, allowing an influx of new consumers in Jersey City. Each day local business owners are seeing new faces entering their establishments and fewer of the old ones. Further development of big-box retail, malls, and internet shopping…Read More

Campaigns | Public Relations | Government Affairs

A thriving business community is the result of a thriving neighborhood community. For this reason, it is important for the CASID to establish and maintain a strong relationship with local residents, block association leaders, and elected officials to keep Jersey City moving forward. Resources are invested in reaching out to the public via press releases, newsletters, mailings,…Read More

Capital Improvements

Central Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project The Central Avenue Special Improvement District Management Corporation (CASID) is pleased to announce that the City of Jersey City has initiated plans for a Central Avenue Streetscape & Roadway Improvements project. This highly anticipated, and very necessary, rehabilitation project will be implemented this year (2020) and replace all sidewalks and repave the roadway in the shopping district….Read More