Meeting Schedule

Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule

CASID Meetings are held in-person at the CASID office (366 Central Avenue, 2nd Floor, Jersey City, NJ) and are open to the public. As meetings may become postponed or relocated due to unforeseen events, please contact the CASID office to confirm the scheduled meeting and announce your intention to participate prior to attending:  Email or Phone: (201) 656-1366

December18th2024Wednesday 6:00 PMIn-PersonHeld
January15th2025Wednesday6:00 PMIn-Person
February12th2025Wednesday 6:00 PMIn-Person
March19th2025Wednesday 6:00 PMIn-Person
April16th2025Wednesday 6:00 PMIn-Person
May14th2025Wednesday 6:00 PMIn-Person
June11th2025Wednesday 6:00 PMIn-Person
July16th2025Wednesday 6:00 PMIn-Person
August13th2025Wednesday 6:00 PMIn-Person
September10th2025Wednesday 6:00 PMIn-Person
October15th2025Wednesday 6:00 PMIn-Person
November12th2025Wednesday 6:00 PMIn-Person
December10th2025Wednesday 6:00 PMIn-Person

Annual Meeting of the Corporation

LastMarch20th2024Wednesday6:00 PMIn-PerssonHELD
NextMarch19th2025Wednesday6:00 PMIn-Person 

Meeting Agenda: Release of Annual Report and members will vote to adopt next budget.

Board of Trustees Elections is held every two years at the Annual Meeting of the Corporation. The next election will be held on March 19, 2025

Private Meeting Requests

The CASID office isn’t just an office; it’s a solution center for current businesses, prospective businesses and the neighboring community. If the CASID can’t solve a problem directly, it can serve as an effective liaison between businesses and the public agencies, utilities or businesses that can. The CASID office is available to meet with anyone who has a specific concern related to the shopping district. All private meeting requests should be emailed to the office. Walk-ins may be turned away.