Wall Murals Along Central Ave, Jersey City

How can one tell an artist community exists in Hudson County? Just keep a look out for their signature mark – Public Art. Central Avenue businesses welcome artists to share their time and talents with their community and embrace creative placemaking. Our district is home to a growing series of murals that have caught the eyes and attention of many visitors and shoppers. Well executed murals have reenergized the City by making it an artist destination. From vivid descriptions of Central Avenue, to notable landmarks around the City, each Central Avenue mural has something special to offer. The professional artists who created these works are proud of the stories each piece tells of the rich history of Jersey City.

More Public Art on Central Avenue and in the Heights

Vivid Flora

By: Simone Bailey Campbell

Located475 Central Ave, Jersey City


Be Water

By Artist John Guerva

Located: 318 Central Avenue

Date Completed: Fall of 2020


By Artist PAWS21

Located421 Central Ave, Jersey City.

Date CompletedWinter 2020

This mural is designed to highlight the importance of education. Knowledge is a key made from light which unlocks our potential to reach the greatest of heights.Full Story>

Girl’s Best Friend

By Artist  Xiomara Gonzalez

Located461 Central Ave, Jersey City (Paterson Street Intersection).

Date CompletedSpring 2019

The original inspiration for this mural came from the love Xiomara has for her Chihuahua named Spike Lee. “Growing up I always had a pet dog and my dog was literally my best friend,” said Xiomara. “I hope viewers enjoy the art and remember the special bond we have with our pets. Creating this mural was really special since I had the opportunity to get some of my students and their parents involved.” Full Story>


By Artist  Edwin Rentas Jr.

Located457 Central Ave, Jersey City (Paterson Street Intersection).

Date CompletedSpring 2018

Edwin Rentas Jr. has always had a love for birds. Their beauty and grace have inspired him to create art that feature birds. His painting depicts his favorite species of birds which are cardinals. Red is a bold color and becomes the focal point of this piece. Rentas wants to share his appreciation of cardinals with everyone in Hudson County.Full Story>

Mother’s Eternal Light

By Artist  Ed “T.DEE” Morris

Located407 Central Ave, Jersey City (Thorne Street Intersection).

Date CompletedSummer 2017

Juxtaposed against a brightly colored, other worldly background, a young boy looks up in wonder as a flock of silhouetted birds takes flight. It’s theme focuses on that awakening moment of realization and wonder as seen through the young boys eyes, that “Mother’s Eternal Light” of inspiration that young and old should seek to ignite every day.Full Story>

Earth Person 2

By Artist Sam Pullin

Located129 Franklin Street/ 232 Central Ave, Jersey City.

Date CompletedFall 2016

“Sam chose to design an image that incorporates two key elements, The Valley of The Kings, an ancient Egyptian burial site where pharaohs and powerful noble men where entombed from the 16th century to the 11th century B.C., with a contemporary image of an astronaut, meant to appear as if he/ she is descending on to planet earth to explore the site. Full Story>


By Artist PAWS21

Located325 Central Ave, Jersey City.

Date CompletedFall 2015

“Perseverance” is about art imitating life. The maturing artist must persevere and break though all obstacles in between them and their artistic expression and goals. Full Story>

Wheat Pastes

By Artist Sean9Lugo

LocatedVarious places along Central Ave, Jersey City.

InstalledFall 2015

Full Story>

“Paper Airplanes”

By artist Sergio Sandino

Located318 Central Ave, Jersey City.

Date CompletedSpring 2015

Sergio Sandino’s paper airplanes mural design is based on the nostalgia and feelings of youth that paper airplanes bring. Making a paper airplane and imaging where it could fly is a symbol of where Jersey City can go, as a community, a city and a home for me, and for all who reside here. He included pages of notebook paper with drawings of the city and the Statue of Libery, a symbol of this nation but also of the diversity and culture that Jersey City has to offer.Full Story>

“The Dream” Mural

By artist Ed “T.DEE” Morris

Located337 Central Ave, Jersey City.

Date CompletedOctober 2013

How do you paint a dream and in attempting to do so, how can you be sure you have included the dreams and aspirations of everyone on a bustling through fair like Central Avenue? Artist Ed Morris thought hard about this when he answered to call to artists (RFP) and submitted a winning mural design that was selected to move forward and become a reality.Full Story>

“Koi Too” Mural

By artist Ed “T.DEE” Morris

Located: 286 Central Ave, Jersey City

Installation PeriodOct. 2011- Jan 2019

Located on the sidewall of Jersey Drugs just off the Central and Hutton Street intersection, this mural features luminescent and life-like Koi fish swimming through large arches that were formerly the building’s windows. Full Story>

“Urban Inner Peace Zone” Mural

By artist Megan Gulick

Located: 426 Central Ave, Jersey City

Date Completed: October 2010

Painting a mural on the side of Daisy Cleaners at 426 Central Avenue, charming artist Megan Gulick uses quirky illustrations to express her soul and special life story. Full Story>

“Salute to Central Avenue” Mural

By artist Richard La Rovere

Located387 Central Ave, Jersey City

Date Completed: October 2010

Painting a mural on the side of .99 POWER at 387 Central Avenue, artist Richard La Rovere copies landscapes and facades that are truly breathtaking. His design captures Central Avenue as it is today, to serve as a time capsule for the future. Full Story>

By artist Sylvester Wofford

Located475 Central Ave, Jersey City

Date Competed: 2005 – 2015

This notable piece created by artist Sylvester Wofford, adds life to the sidewall of one of the most well known bakeries in Hudson County.  The bright colors and wide array of images from baked goods to landscapes tell a great tale of Jersey City. Originally painted in 2005, it was redone by the same artist in 2010.

“Where Will Your Journey Begin?” Mural

By J.C. Museum’s Public Art Program

Located337 Central Ave, Jersey City

Dates1996 – 2011

“Where will your Journey Begin?” is the question this mural asked of its audience. Created by the Jersey City Museum’s Public Art Program in 1996, local students assisted artists to create this 150 ft long mural around the corner from Rite Aid Pharmacy. The mural stood for 15 years until it was removed in 2011 as part of a much needed renovation and repair project by the pharmacy. This great community mural will live on in the memory by all who enjoyed the the visual story it told for over one and a half decades.