Location: 407 Central Avenue, Jersey City
Date Installed: Summer 2017
Visit Jersey City’s Central Avenue shopping district to see and experience the entire mural. Do not forget to bring your camera for plenty of selfies.
This mural was made possible through the efforts of the Central Avenue S.I.D. Management Corp. and funded in part by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, administered by the Hudson County Office of Cultural & Heritage Affairs, Thomas A. DeGise, County Executive, and the Board of Chosen Freeholders.
More Public Art on Central Avenue and in the Heights
Mural Description
By Artist Ed Morris aka “T.DEE”
I’m honored to propose to the people of the Heights a mural titled “Mother’s Eternal Light”. It follows a basic theme I pursue with many of my public works in it’s attempt to make a powerful visual impact while inspiring the community it serves.
Juxtaposed against a brightly colored, other worldly background, a young boy looks up in wonder as a flock of silhouetted birds takes flight. It’s theme focuses on that awakening moment of realization and wonder as seen through the young boys eyes, that “Mother’s Eternal Light” of inspiration that young and old should seek to ignite every day.
The birds are in silhouette not only to stand out in contrast to the colorful background, but also to offer the idea of numerous dreams and inspirations still unattained and open to be discovered or defined. The motion and flow of the entire composition carries the viewer’s eye upward towards the sky to unclaimed heights.
This mural was also inspired by Sammy W. Morales (1/23/1964- 9/14/2011) who was a fellow motor cycle enthusiast and well known figure on this corner. Welcome to “Sammy’s Corner” and ride free.