The desire for better government always brings high hopes and excitement to May’s Municipal elections. For local residents, talking politics and participating in the election process is part of the City’s rich culture.
In preparation for it, the neighborhood and business community in the Heights Section of Jersey City are working together as The Heights Coalition, a non-partisan group of community organizations, to coordinate two forums in which residents have an opportunity to hear candidates speak on the local issues that matter most. The forums are opened to the public and scheduled as follows:
Mayoral Candidate Form
Date: Thursday April 2, 2009
Time: 7PM to 9PM
Location: Christa McAuliffe Elementary (aka PS # 28) School Auditorium
167 Hancock Avenue, Jersey City
Ward C & D Council Candidate Forum
Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009
Time: 7PM to 9PM
Location: Christa McAuliffe Elementary (aka PS # 28) School Auditorium
167 Hancock Avenue, Jersey City
“Unlike other debates and forums in previous elections, attendees can look forward to a slightly different format,” says Nick Caballero of the Washington Park Association. The Forums will be moderated with strict rules and regulations for both candidates and audience alike. Candidates are being asked to speak clearly on the issues while steering away from accusations and taking cheap shots at the other candidates.
Additionally, no cheering, booing, or hissing will be allowed in the audience. When asked about the rules and regulations, Vincent McNamara of Heights’ Hope Neighborhood Association said “A rowdy audience can drown out the candidate’s message, mislead the general public and ruin the experience for everyone. We want to clearly hear the policies of each candidate at the forums.”
Candidates will address questions that Heights Coalition organizations have culled from their members as well as questions selected from audience members who will submit their questions to the moderator on index cards. After the question and answer period, each candidate will be given the opportunity to make a brief closing statement.
“The goal for the evening is for candidates to have an opportunity to meet interested local voters and address issues of specificconcern by Heights residents” says Becky Hoffman, President of the Riverview Neighborhood Association. “Candidates will leave with a better understanding of Heights concerns and residents will be able to make an informed choice at the voting booth.”
The questions will be focused on areas of concern particular to Jersey City residents including: Transportation; Crime; Parks & Recreation; Budget/Taxes; Infrastructure; Zoning and Planning; Economic Development; and Education.
“This effort by the coalition shows that citizens are pushing themselves to make this City a better place to live, work, and shop,” says Michael Yun, President of the Central Avenue Special Improvement District. “It should be noted that residents are demanding more from themselves and their candidates this election.”
Washington Park Association of Hudson County, Inc. | Riverview Neighborhood Association, Inc. | Heights Hope Neighborhood Association| The Hope Center | Pershing Field Garden Friends | Central Avenue Special Improvement District | New York Avenue Block Association | PS8 Neighborhood Association | AARP | Heights Community Relations Council |