Trick-or-Treat Central!

Candy will be available on Central Avenue until 6 PM this Halloween

Halloween is coming, and when Jersey City residents think Halloween, they think Central Avenue! Central Avenue businesses have generously opened their doors to local trick-or-treaters for years, and this year will be no exception.

Due to the thousands of kids who visit Central Avenue each October 31st, most businesses are only able to hand out candy until 6 PM, helping parents to get youngsters home safely before dark. But if you want some real food after all that candy, or your princesses and Spidermen are a bit too old for trick-or-treating this year, stick around during the evening for some shopping and a bite to eat amidst the festive atmosphere!

CASID businesses: download this sign to put in your window when you are done receiving trick-or-treaters. But regardless of when the candy runs out, you are strongly encouraged to stay open through the afternoon and evening to greet the new and familiar faces and show them what your business has to offer all year round!

See you (and scare you) on the 31st!