During recent weeks, Central Avenue patrons may have seen CASID’s Street Maintenance Operation (SMO) staff on the Avenue pruning street trees. No worries – nobody is cutting down or harming any trees! The pruning was part of a joint effort by the CASID and the Jersey City Division of Parks and Forestry to remove branches blocking CCTV cameras on the Avenue. Now that those branches are out of the way, camera operators will be able to monitor and respond to emergencies and security issues on Central Avenue more effectively, and the Avenue’s street trees will be able to resume their growth without blocking lines of sight.
In partnership with the Division of Parks and Forestry and the CCTV Program, the CASID continues to be committed to the care and proper maintenance of Central Avenue’s street trees and CCTV cameras, which improve security and the quality of life throughout the Heights.
Before, during, and after pruning: