Pedestrians walking on Central Avenue near Lincoln Street on Saturday, July 5 at 1:30 PM may not have noticed the hazard above. But an observant Jersey City Parking Authority (JCPA) employee did. A glass bulb on a light pole had come loose during recent thunderstorms and leaned at a precarious angle more than 12 feet above the sidewalk. Acting quickly, the JCPA employee contacted the Central Avenue SID (CASID) and the Jersey City Police Department (JCPD), who secured the area and called a Jersey City Fire Department (FDJC) fire truck to the scene. Only 20 minutes after the leaning bulb was first identified, a firefighter from Ladder #7 climbed up and ensured that the bulb was firmly reattached to the light pole.
“This light bulb could have severely injured someone walking down the street, but the JCPA, JCPD and FDJC worked together and resolved the situation within minutes,” said CASID President Michael Yun. “It’s good to know that not just the police officers and firefighters but the parking inspectors at work on Central Avenue are looking out for our safety. On behalf of the CASID, I want to thank all of those who handled this situation in such a competent and professional manner.”