Gathering of the Community & Business Leaders in the Jersey City Heights
L to R: David Diaz (CASID), Gary Solomon (CASID), Michael Yun (CASID), Sandy Fishman (CASID), Marco LoSchiavo (CASID), Brittany Hopkins (CASID), Laura Skolar (Pershing Field Garden Friends), Rafael Torres (St. Paul of the Cross Church), Dorothy Dobres, Cynthia Hadjiyannis (JC Reservoir Alliance), Steve Latham (JC Reservoir Alliance), Joe Calandrillo (Heights Community Relations Council), Aanand Kapadia (PS #8 Neighborhood Block Association), Eleanor Bufano, Louis Cappelluti (Heights Hope Neighborhood Association and Boy Scouts of America), Rosalyn Waters (CCTV Oversight Committe), Doris Stoldt (AARP Chapter 5102), Edward Mullen (JC Reservoir Alliance), Ashley Lopez (Pershing Field Babe Ruth League), Nikki Sirken (Pershing Field Garden Friends), Joe Napolitano (Pershing Field Babe Ruth League), Ed Goodall (East Pershing Block Association), Daris Cappelluti (Heights Hope Neighborhood Association), Pankaj Kapadia (PS #8 Neighborhood Block Association), Michael Santasieri (Heights Hope Neighborhood Association), Gilbert Mendez (CASID).