There’s new artwork coming to Central Avenue! The CASID is working with the Hudson County Office of Cultural Affairs and Tourism, the Heights Arts Initiative, Pro Arts Jersey City and the Jersey City Museum to commission works of art to be painted on seven traffic utility boxes located along Central Avenue.
Utility boxes have traditionally been a target for graffiti and vandalism. By turning them into spaces for beauty and creativity, artists will help deter tagging and add something special to the Central Avenue streetscape. Careful planning is being undertaken to make sure that the artists use materials that are durable enough for an urban environment and that the utility boxes are still easily accessible for maintenance. The arts organizations involved with this initiative will be soliciting proposals for the boxes from member artists. Those chosen by the selection committee will receve an honorarium from the Hudson County Office of Cultral Affairs and Tourism for their work. Once the proper permissions are in place, the artists should begin creating their artwork on the utility boxes starting this April!
See what one artist has done with utility boxes in Playa Vista, California.

From Top Left: Maureen Gallagher (Heights Arts Initiative), Beverly Brown Ruggia (Heights Arts Initiative), Bill LaRosa (Hudson County Cultural Affairs), Sandy Martiny (Jersey City Museum), Rebecca Feranec (Pro Arts), Michelle Loughlin (Heights Arts Initiative), Michael Yun (CASID) and Brittany Hopkins (CASID).