Local Business Community Stands by Muncipal Court Judge Irwin Rosen

Despite recent allegations regarding the Jersey City Municipal Court, the Central Avenue Special Improvement District (CASID) Board of Trustees can attest to Municipal Court Judge Irwin Rosen’s long history and outstanding reputation in Jersey City. Citizens from all walks of life know him to be an upstanding member of the community who volunteers his time to help many local organizations. As an attorney, he has served the many Jersey City residents and businesspeople who have entrusted their affairs to him with honesty and integrity, and he has been an excellent mentor and role model for countless young people in this urban environment. He has also served with distinction as the CASID’s corporate counsel since it was founded in 1992, helping our organization to establish strong bylaws and offering knowledge and wisdom that have furthered our goal of revitalizing Central Avenue and the Jersey City Heights.

The allegations against Judge Rosen have not been verified and should not undermine his many years of service and commitment to our community. The CASID stands by him and hopes that the facts of the case will allow him to return to the bench soon. Judge Rosen is a man of his word, and we will always be proud to have him as a “Jersey City guy.”


Michael Yun, President

CASID Board of Trustees