On Christmas Eve, a critical weather situation threatened to worsen an already critical economic situation for local businesses. Stores on Central Avenue were counting on a rush of last-minute shoppers to alleviate a difficult holiday shopping season, and shoppers were counting on visiting those stores to fill their kids’ stockings and get the rest of the supplies they needed for the holiday weekend. But a poorly-timed Christmas Eve storm made the sidewalks icy and dangerous for pedestrians.
Fortunately, the Jersey City Parking Authority came to the rescue. In partnership with the Central Avenue SID Street Management Operation, the JCPA was able to get rock salt applied to crosswalks and other areas where ice was posing a danger to pedestrians. This made shoppers feel safe walking on the Avenue and got the wheels of commerce moving again. Sincere thanks go out to Ward D Councilman Bill Gaughan, JCPA Chief Executive Director Mark Russ, JCPA Director of Operations Vito Goglucci, and JCPA Assistant Director of Operations Joe Lopez for a quick response to this urgent matter and their ongoing support of the Central Avenue business district and surrounding community, particularly our highly valued seniors who depend on the accessibility of the Avenue to meet their basic shopping needs.
Michael Yun, President
CASID Board of Trustees