Jersey City Mourns the Loss of a Fallen Hero

On behalf of the Jersey City business community, the Central Avenue S.I.D. Management Corp sends its sincere condolences to the DiNardo Family for their loss.

It is unfortunate that it sometimes takes a tragedy like this to highlight the importance of police officers in our everyday lives. What started out as an investigation into a savage robbery at a small Jersey City business led to the tragic event of July 21st.

The members of Jersey City’s business community are truly grateful for, and are proud of, Jersey City’s finest who go above and beyond the call of duty to protect and service our great city. We admire the professionalism of Police Chief Tom Comey and Deputy Chief Peter Nalbach, who have both demonstrated unbelievable leadership in these difficult times and continue to keep the Jersey City community as the center of importance.

We thank Detective Marc DiNardo, Officers Michael Camacho, Frank Molina Jr., Marc Lavelle, Dennis Mitchell, and all Jersey City Police Officers for the job they do to guard our City. You are all in our thoughts and prayers during this time of mourning.