Heights residents know from many years of experience that the fun of Halloween can be ruined easily by vandalism or even violence. But this year was different. Many neighbors and members of the business community have told me that they felt safer than ever on Mischief Night and Halloween itself, and no major incidents were reported. Instead, Halloween was what it is supposed to be: a fun-filled day for children of all ages.
The safety of this year’s Halloween did not happen by accident. The Central Avenue SID asked its member businesses to give out candy no later than 6 pm in order to get children off the streets before dark on this busy holiday.
The CASID campaign would not have been such a success without the partnership of Captain Phil Zacche and all the officers of the North District. Under the leadership of Chief Tom Comey and Patrol Bureau Commander Inspector Jon Tooke, they provided a visible and positive presence that made Central Avenue feel safe for local residents, business owners and visitors alike. We commend and thank the members of the JCPD for their outstanding protection of our community. We hope that their professional service will continue to make Central Avenue and the Heights safer during the holiday season and throughout the year.
Michael Yun, President
CASID Board of Trustees