Central Avenue Proudly Displays New American Flags

New American Flags along Central Avenue, Jersey City

Jersey City, NJ– The Central Avenue SID Management Corporation is proud to announce the installation of 54 brand new American Flags on Central Avenue. The flags are on display the entire length of the business district, from Washington Park to Pershing Field Park (North Street to Manhattan Ave). The flags were hung just in time for Memorial Day and will fly over the Avenue throughout the summer to celebrate Flag Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day. In addition, the flags fly in honor of our veterans and as a symbol of unity in Jersey City. 

America is a great melting pot of people from all around the globe, and nowhere is this truer than in Jersey City, where immigrants have settled for generations.  “Central Avenue’s business community considered displaying flags from around the globe to celebrate the diversity of our neighborhood and business community but quickly realized there would not be enough locations to display the hundreds of flags needed,” says Joseph Nachbaur, Vice President South and local State Farm Agent. “The fact of the matter is that people have migrated here to unite together in pursuit of a better life. The CASID is proud to hang the American flag, which is an indelible symbol of cultural togetherness under one emblem.”  

American Flags were chosen to be the first decoration to compliment the new Central Avenue streetscape project completed by the City last fall. Jersey City celebrates its diversity and the hard-working immigrants that live, work, and open businesses here.  

New American Flags along Central Avenue, Jersey City
New American Flags along Central Avenue, Jersey City