Friends and family gathered with Mayor Jerramiah Healy and members of the Municipal Council on August 12 to dedicate the Jersey City Police Department’s CCTV Control Room to the memory of Robert Hennigar. Hennigar played an instrumental role in planning and implementing Jersey City’s pioneering CCTV system, which has become a model for cities around the US. Prior to joining the Jersey City Economic Development Corporation and working on the CCTV system, Hennigar was a longtime Jersey City Police Officer and earned numerous awards for his outstanding service to the community.
Hennigar passed away suddenly while working in the CCTV Control Room on March 8, 2007. A plaque in recognition of the dedication is now on view in the Control Room, serving as a constant reminder of Hennigar’s commitment to the safety of Jersey City residents.
For more information about the CCTV system, read this article from the JCPD’s Jersey City Watch newsletter, or visit the CASID’s Security Measures page.