Call to Artists: 2016 Request for New Artwork Installation in Heights


Jersey City, NJ – The Central Avenue S.I.D. Management Corporation is pleased to announce that it is seeking creative proposals for its 2016 public art installation program.
Proposed artwork will be installed on either a wall space or traffic box. The submission deadline is Friday July 22, 2016.

For a seventh consecutive year, the CASID has partnered with numerous Hudson County-based art organizations and artists to bring new art installations to its neighborhood main street. CASID’s Artwork Installation Program includes recent work such as “Perseverance” by PAWS21, “Paper Planes” by Sergio Sandino, and “The Dream” by Ed “T.DEE” Morris among many others. This art installation will continue to grow the outdoor art gallery happening in the Central Avenue shopping district which is adjacent to the Riverview Arts District in the Heights section of Jersey City. Local residents, businesses, and artists continue working together to reach the neighborhood’s long-term goal of adding “art destination” to Hudson County’s distinct resume.

“New artwork continues to reenergize Jersey City,” says Sanford Fishman, CASID President and longtime Heights businessman. “We have so many artists living in the City. It is good to create opportunities where they can share their talents with the community through public art.”

All artists interested in participating in this program must complete and adhere to the guidelines in the Request for Proposal (RFP) which is available online or a hard copy can be obtained from the CASID office. It is a competitive process allowing all artwork and artists an equal opportunity to be selected.

This program is organized and administered by the Central Avenue SID and made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a partner agency of the national Endowment of the Arts, administered by the Hudson County Office of Cultural & Heritage Affairs, Hudson County Executive Thomas A. DeGise and the Board of Chosen Freeholders.

Questions can be addressed by email or call (201) 656-1366.

Request for Proposal – Artwork Installation on Central Avenue, JC Heights

Learn more about the “Dream” mural on Central Avenue