by Michaelangelo Conte/The Jersey Journal
Commuter vans in Hudson County continue to do poorly in surprise inspections.
In Jersey City today, nine of 19 vans inspected were taken out of service and towed away due to safety or motor vehicle violations, officials told The Jersey Journal.
“The numbers speak for themselves,” Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio said of the 67 safety violations and nine motor vehicle summons issued during the inspection at Jefferson and Summit avenues. Violations included bolts missing form wheels, cracked frames, bad brakes and signal and brake lights out.
The prosecutor’s Insurance Fraud Unit has conducted more than a dozen surprise inspections of commuter vans in Hudson County over the past two years and the results have been dismal.
“This industry is not moving toward the level of compliance that is necessary to ensure safety to the riding public,” DeFazio said. “We are going to have to continue this enforcement until we make it cost effective for these companies to do what they should be doing on their own.”