About the Project

The proposed improvements for 21 intersections along Central Avenue (Waverly Street to North Street) include, but not limited to, the replacement of existing handicapped curb ramps with a cast in place detectable warning surface, the replacement of traffic striping and signs, new countdown pedestrian heads and the installation of ¾” thick polymer slurry surface (PCSS) crosswalks at selected street intersections. The improvements will make our main street community more accessible for the elderly and disabled (Americans With Disabilities Act complaint) while improving aesthetics as necessary. Temporary walkways will be provided during the construction. The work began on August 2nd near Waverly Street and is expected to be completed in 300 days (approximately May 2013). Only two corners will be worked on at a time and the work will progress north bound.

Please note that this is a federally funded $600,000 capital improvement project (channeled through the State of New Jersey Department of Transportation) administered by the City of Jersey City (City Resolutions: 11-757 and 12-202). The Central Avenue Special Improvement District Management Corporation’s sole involvement in this project is to inform our members beforehand thereby supplementing an official city notice, if any.

For questions or concerns regarding this project, please contact the City’s on site project manager via Email. His contact information is below:

Andrew Lim, Senior Engineer & Project Manger
Jersey City Division of Engineering
Ph: 201.547.6876